Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bootie Blaster Workout

Here's a routine that you can use to really target the Butt, hips, hamstrings and thighs:

Day 1:
Begin with a 15-20 cardio exercise (Treadmill, Elipticol, Stationary Bike jump rope or a walk around the track/neighborhood)
Next Begin the Ciruit Training!!! Here's the routine

Workout: Butt Blaster ( Use 5-10lb Dumbells)

Body Weight Squat
Unlock your hips, sit back, descend slowly, and make sure you're driving through your heels and not your toes. Go only as far as your body will allow.

Single Leg (SL) Bucks
Lay on back with one leg on the floor and one extended in the air. Slowley extend your hips (thrust in the air) and pause for 1 second. Do you feel that in your hamstrings?

Lunges with Twist
( Target areas-Glutes,Hamstrings,quads and Abs) hold one DB while arms are extended and twist only after you've done your complete lunge.

Sumo Squats
( Target areas- quads and Ab/Adductors- outside and inside of thighs.) Turn your feet out as if you are in second positon . Make sure your feet are about hip width apart, keep your chest up and squat.

Lying side leg raises
( outside leg)- Lay on your side and raise leg up and down at a slow and control tempo.

Fire hydrants Raises (hips and butt) Get down on your hands and knees while keeping your back flat. With your legs remaining at a 90 degee angle raise it up bringing it away from your body (abdcution) pause for a second and bring it back down.

For Circles: Same positons but you're rotating at your hips in a circlular motion as if your drawing a big circle with your knee. (remember keep your legs bent at 90 degrees) You will really feel this in your butt. Try not to stop when doing it. Go forward on right and backward on the right.
7. 20-30 minute Cardio: (you can do 15minutes on Treadmill and 15 minutes on the stepper) your choice.
8. Cool down- walk at a slow pace for 5-10 minutes and stretch afterward( see early post for stretching ideas)

Here's the workout.

1. 10-15 minute- Cardio Warm- Up
2. Bodyweight Squats 2-3 x 12-15
3. SL Bucks 2-3 x 12e
4. Lunges w/twist 2-3 x 8e leg
5. Lying Side Leg Raise 2-3 x 10e
6. Fire Hydrants 2 x 8e
7. 20-30 minute - Cardio (15 Stepper and 15 minute on Treadmill)
8. 5-10 minute cooldown/stretch

Try this out and remember just because it says 2-3 sets you can start off by doing one set and slowly work your way up to 2-3 sets. This will is called the butt blaster so you will feel it in your rear. Now your ready to back that that thang up! Have FUN.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Losing that Butt ...

I always get this question from women: How can I loose my butt, stomach or get rid of the flubber underneath my arms?

First of all, please step away from the fast food and stop eating cinnamon buns during late night hours! Its funny because it's true but I'm sure what I just stated will upset some individuals.

Well ladies the answer is exercise COMBINED with a proper diet. I know you're thinking: I know that, but ... What do I eat and how much should I exercise?

Meals are very important. You should have one at least 3 times a day. If you get hungry in between meals eat a piece of fruit, crackers, or some yogurt to curb your appetite. This brings me to a point that I really want to stress. DON'T STARVE YOURSELF BY NOT EATING OR SKIPPING MEALS THROUGHOUT THE DAY. When you do this you're actually shocking your body in to a state of emergency which slows down your metabolism because your system is trying to consume energy. Nine times out of ten when "starvation" methods are used the weight lost will return with additional pounds. This is when you look at yourself and say what amI doing wrong? Now you know.

Most of the time when you gain weight its usually due to not doing something that was done when you were younger or it could be a health issue. In either situation I believe you can still loose that extra 10-20 lbs by doing 10 simple things.

1. Study and research the food that you're consuming in your daily diet.
2. Set a long term and a short term goal on where you would like to be a by a certain date.
3. Don't get frustrated when you don't see weight loss in the first week. Be very Patient.
4. Try not to consume Carbohydrates after 6 pm.
5. Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! Start off by walking 1 mile every other day and work your way up to a mile 4 times a week and the eventually 1.5 miles and so on. In between your days of walking you should do a circuit of exercise that will increase your body temperature and your heart rate.
6. Calorie count so you will know how many calories your consuming, how many you actually need, and how much you need to reduce.
7. Log what you eat and how you feel throughout the day. This will let you know what gives you energy and what makes you feel sluggish
8. Be Strong and take control of your body and life.
9. Reduce your soda intake
10. Weigh and measure yourself day one of your journey. Re-measure yourself 4-6 weeks from your start day.

Something that I have used is the reverse meal concept. I eat my Regular breakfast but for lunch I eat what I would have for dinner and my dinner is my lunch. The reason I do this is because doing the day I'm moving around on a consistent basis and burning those calories away!! Now, this is something that works for me. I'm not saying that it will work for you because everyone's body is different. Find something that works for you and stick to it.

Good Luck!